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my Life. right there, on the table, for you to See.
for me to Share. for all to Know.
to keep me at Ease. to keep me Sane.
to keep it Real........ One post at a time.

...i will be chasing your starlight...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Cruel To Be Young

By far that's my favourite quote on my wall.
Because it's just so true haha.

I can't write anymore, I don't know what's gotten into me.
But I'm not complaining.
For the first time I wear genuine smiles and bright eyes.
Holding tightly onto who I can, for as long as I am allowed.
I just hope that I never give them reason to let go.

Ech hopefully I can write later on tonight.
All that I have in mind to write about is that I'm crazily in love with my boyfriend.
But we've had our awkward moments this weekend.
I hope you read it ;)

I'm a HappyHappy

Sunday, October 18, 2009


I hate being paranoid.
It's not new that I've got anxiety and paranoia.. kinda.
But now i'm more open about it.
I can't help it hah.

How do I cope?
I think in my head:

The harder you squeeze the more it slips away.

Deep Breath,
and I'll once again submerge myself in the icy waters

But once a cruel Facebook group about you is created,
you have every fucking right to hate the fucking world.

If it's not real

You can't hold it in your hand
You can't feel it with your heart
And I won't believe it
But if it's true
You can see it with your eyes
Oh even in the dark
And that's where I want to be, yeah

-- DeathOfBeauty --

Friday, October 16, 2009

Things Are Lookng Up, Oh Finallyyy!!

I just got back from the Paramore concert.
And am in no position to write properly.
This very sentence took me 15 minutes.
One Word:



Monday, October 12, 2009

Disregard... previous post.
I hate to be in love with you.
But I am.

And when those autumn leaves fall from the trees
I'll laugh and crunch them under my chucks
feeling the crisp and crinkle
and hoping for the best.

...I'm Holding Out And Holding On
to what I hope is you.

Don't Let Down
the Death.Of.Beauty.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

You know that I love you so...

...I love you enough to let you go.

When my evergreen tree matches the fall leaves,
I'll draw my line of love.
sweet kisses leave sour aftertastes
and emotions change like October leaves.
we're mixing seasons baby,
and winter's not my type,
and last time I checked...
flowers don't live through the blizzard.
warm hugs do nothing to ice hearts.
that's all you are, right?
Ice, Glass, Frozen, Solid, Stone.
cold, hard, fragile parts
and you just had to steal my heart.
I'm taking it all back now, and you think I won't last .

my heart is glasss but my mind is steel
you really are a gorilla playing with a flower.
I'll turn to you one last time,
"all I need to know is that I'm something
you will be missing."
And thats when my evergreen
turned the autumn shade.

. I'm Already Gone.