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my Life. right there, on the table, for you to See.
for me to Share. for all to Know.
to keep me at Ease. to keep me Sane.
to keep it Real........ One post at a time.

...i will be chasing your starlight...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Cruel To Be Young

By far that's my favourite quote on my wall.
Because it's just so true haha.

I can't write anymore, I don't know what's gotten into me.
But I'm not complaining.
For the first time I wear genuine smiles and bright eyes.
Holding tightly onto who I can, for as long as I am allowed.
I just hope that I never give them reason to let go.

Ech hopefully I can write later on tonight.
All that I have in mind to write about is that I'm crazily in love with my boyfriend.
But we've had our awkward moments this weekend.
I hope you read it ;)

I'm a HappyHappy


Anonymous said...

Chewbaka :)

dezaray.[self titled.] said...

so we were following each other with my other blogger, but i decided to make a new one, you should check it out. :) it's not about love or anything, well not yet at least. we'll see how it goes. but i have to say i truly relate to this. so many times i had writers block because i was so damn happy. lol now that i'm happy i find it harder to write about things. it's crazy. :) but thank goodness for happiness! & best of luck to that writing. :)