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my Life. right there, on the table, for you to See.
for me to Share. for all to Know.
to keep me at Ease. to keep me Sane.
to keep it Real........ One post at a time.

...i will be chasing your starlight...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I don't know about you...

But if I start randomly crying while putting up a wall collage
I'd be scared for my well-being.
I don't know, I think I've finally been hit with the realization
that everyone I love
has left.
Even the guy I've loved for years won't talk to me because of my one mistake.
On the plus side though...
 My wall is coming along swimmingly!!!
Of course, my memories section is only beginning....
Why not start off with a bang?
Memories are memories... no matter how painful they become over time.
Lovely Jack Skellington bracelet from the Loveable-Aggressive-Perverted-Geeky-Athlete Boy of my Survival of my Fittest series
and the Chanel bracelet from the Too-Good-To-Be-True Boy of my Survival of my Fittest series

sdohdasbcuibsadf ;D

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