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my Life. right there, on the table, for you to See.
for me to Share. for all to Know.
to keep me at Ease. to keep me Sane.
to keep it Real........ One post at a time.

...i will be chasing your starlight...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The toxicity of our city, of our city...

...How do you own disorder, disorder

pry open my dry docked eyes,
i'm tired of sleep.
eyes crusted shut,
but i can sense the white walls around me.
i forgot to remember that night,
and boy do i regret it.
i met reality somewhere between the time,
when pills where antidotes for insanity.
feeling the leather straps over arms and legs,
soft as a feather, heavy as steel.
suffocating like vines engulfing my body.
the spaghetti mind, it's just all over the place.
be careful what you wish for
you just might get the overload.
these are the times when you rethink decisions.
a death wish turn into a sentence
and death beds turn into graves.
i pried open my dry docked eyes,
i was tired of sleep.

.Now somewhere between the sacred silence and sleep.
-the bolded and title is Toxicity by SOAD.
sometimes i wake up thinking
maybe i've been in a coma all this time, and i'm just creating a nightmare
for the sake of having something to complain about.
maybe i'm really on my death bed.
so yeah,
semi is coming up. and my friends make me and my date feel so uncomfortable around each other!!!
haha hope you all are doing great


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