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my Life. right there, on the table, for you to See.
for me to Share. for all to Know.
to keep me at Ease. to keep me Sane.
to keep it Real........ One post at a time.

...i will be chasing your starlight...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

...I'm mixed up, I'll be blunt, now the rain is just washing you out of my hair and out of my mind...

.keeping an eye on the world, from so many thousands of feet off the ground

i live like every movement is my last
but you can find my mind back in the day.
the times when hearts beat as one
and we hid from the world, never to be found.
the mistakes we regret,
the words we forget to exchange,
the glances we pretend not to notice.
jump start the heart,
it'll only backfire.
she no longer walks the lonely road.
taking steps in puddles just to see it divide and collide.
look me into the eyes and tell me you don't see blue.
because hell, they sure ain't green.

.i'm over you now i'm at home in the clouds, and towering over your head.
so, drama is pissing me off.
i have... a few ex boyfriends but there are a few i'm glad i'm not talking to anymore.
there's been one i just can't get over, but as usual, i never feel good enough.
so i still like him even though i dump him, and i didn't think he liked me much anyway.
so now, months later, he calls me JEALOUS!!
jealous that he's happy and i'm... not
i got news for him. fuck him i'm as happy as a clown and free as a bird, and there's no way he can bring my fucking spirit down. i'm over him now, better than ever.
hah rawr fierce.
but today i have a major headache. no school for me tomorrow :(
(and my friend read this and was like, wtf does the green and blue eyes thing mean? do you get it?)



jkgkyfkutfuf said...

im not sure i get it but you have like... really pretty eyes there unusual. there a hard color to describe.

.Death.Of.Beauty. said...

hahahaha kat!
theyre blue,
but you know how green= envy and blue=sadness?
yeah its basically saying that look at me and realize that im upset, about the whole ordeal, but dont look me in the eyes and tell me bullshit like im jealous...
yeahh hah

aidee said...

eyz thanx fer leving a comment on my blog. 0oh, we hav so much in common in music! x)
canadian, eh? i'm asian xD
signing out, much luvsxxxx

anonymous said...

awesome header! neon on black always looks cool. where'd you find that graphic?