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my Life. right there, on the table, for you to See.
for me to Share. for all to Know.
to keep me at Ease. to keep me Sane.
to keep it Real........ One post at a time.

...i will be chasing your starlight...

Saturday, July 7, 2007

the days, they turn into years...

...the eyes they drown in tears

and now my life is blurred
like my vision from the tears i shed
i only write of breaks, crashes, and burns
because thats all i will ever feel.
im holding my breath in a pool with no surface.
sneak out my bedroom window and creep into the unknown.
i'll wont be fine, but i've been practicing
smiles.laughes.and lies.
im a pro-con
give me pills to keep me asleep.
leave me to enjoy a dark, dreamless sleep for the rest of eternity.
shallow heartbeats sooth me to slumber.
and now we're broken,
a simple crash and burn (perfect) situation.
like the promise ring that left my finger green.
im the lost cause.
i make satanists pray for god to have mercy on me.
no god can save me now.
why did you make time stand still?

.can you hear me scream.

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